Prof. Heide Hagebolling-Eisenbeis
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Curriculum Vitae
Heide Hagebolling-Eisenbeis teaches media scenography & interactive dramaturgy at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne that she co-founded with Manfred Eisenbeis 1988-2000.
After studies in art, design and filmmaking at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach (Dipl. Des.) and the Tisch-School of Arts/New York University she studied communication and media sciences at the Annenberg School of Communication/University of Pennsylvania (MA in Communications).
HHE worked and lectured at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt; the University of Heidelberg, and hold a 2-years guestprofessorship at the Hochschule fuer Gestaltung Offenbach where she established with Manfred Eisenbeis and Werner Nekes the film- and video-art section. During her professorship at the Polytech Rheinland-Pfalz, Trier, she founded the Dept. of Interdisciplinary Design and Art in New Media.
Since the 1980ies her academic and artistic work focusses on the interrelationship of art, design, new media and culture. In this domain she organized international colloques i.a. for the UNESCO, Paris, and participated in group exhibitions i.a. at
* Centre Pompidou, Paris
* Bauhaus Museum, Berlin
* Ars Electronica, Linz
* L’Immagine Elettronica, Bologna
* La Villette / Cité des Sciences/, Paris
* Imagina, Monte Carlo
* MILIA, Cannes, France
HHE considers her approach and teaching as an open process of artistic research, creative development and a synthesis of various areas such as new fields of narration and dramaturgy and scenographic approaches in music, performance, public art and media.
She directed several multimedia art and design projects for public and cultural institutions and developed media concepts i.a.:
international architects (i.a. Zeidler, Toronto/London 1991-1992); Communication Museum, Frankfurt 1988, the German Ministry for Telecommunication 1985-1988; Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt; Art in Public Places: Multi-Media-Station Cologne 1992-95; Media Architecture and scenography of information systems and space i.a. EXPO 2000, Hannover.
In the frame of her academic work HHE was responsible for cooperative and interdisciplinary art projects i.a.:
* Aquarius Wassermuseum/Aquarius Watermuseum, RWE;
* International Beethoven Festival, Bonn: exhibition and performance Museum of Art, Bonn and Beethoven Hall Bonn,;
* concerts with Gerard Presencer „the Chet Baker Story“ and concerts with Martin Grubinger Salzburg/Vienna „Percussive Planet“, T-Mobile Forum, Bonn;
* projects with the Cologne Philharmonie and MusikFabrik/Ensemble for Contemporary Music, Cologne;
* „Dancers“, site specific media-scenography for the San Francisco Ballett in coop. with Mateo Klemmayer and Michael Maurissens, Rautenstrauch Joest Museum, Cologne;
* „Austerlitz“ based on WG Sebald’s novel: new dramatic forms of narration and theatre in coop. with Julia Afifi and Luis Negrón, Cologne;
* „Twirling Dust – symmetrically“ a time synchronous web-based performance in art, dance and sound between Beijing and Cologne in coop. with Matthias Gerding, Alex Rechberg, Luis Negrón, Zhe Li and the Renmin University, Beijing.
Lectures and presentations led her to the Department of Art, Tampere University, Finland; Helsiniki University of Art; University of Arts, London/Central St. Martins; GB; University Paris 8, France; Dept. of Art, University of Groningen, Holland; Architectural Association (AA)/School of Architecture, London; Carpenter Center/Harvard University, USA; New York University/Tisch School of the Arts; Pratt Institute, Brooklyn NY; Renmin University Bejing, China; Taipei National University of Arts, Taiwan.
She is member of ICOM International Council of Museums and the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and the Humanities, Paris. She received the Miró-Medal of UNESCO.
List of publications (selection)
H. Hagebölling-Eisenbeis
Interaktive Dramaturgien – Mediale Strategien in der Ausstellungs- und Museumsgestaltung
Interactive Dramaturgies – Media Strategies in Exhibitions and Museums
republished in: Kai-Uwe Hemken (HG)
Kritische Szenografie
Die Kunstausstellung im 21. Jahrhundert
Critical Scenography
The Art Exhibition in the 21. Century
Transcript Vlg, Bielefeld, 2015
Heide Hagebölling
Vertrauen und künstlerischer Prozess – Einblick in das Kreativlabor
Trust, Confidence and the Creative Process – Inspecting the Creative Lab
In Wilharm, Bohn: Inszenierung und Vertrauen / Staging, Trust and Confidence
Ed. Transcript 2010
H. Hagebölling
Raum, Zeit und Spiel in multi medialen Environments
Space, time and play in multimedia environments
In: Kilger, Gerhard ed.
Raumerfahrung und Erlebnispark / Experiencing Space and Adventure Parks
Ed. Klartext, Essen 2007
H. Hagebölling
Pits, Lands und Licht – die Disc als kreatives Medium und interaktiver Wissensspeicher
Pits, lands and light – the disc as creative medium and interactive storage of knowledge
Published in: Stapelkamp, Torsten ed.
DVD-Produktionen gestalten, erstellen und nutzen.
Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg 2007
H. Hagebölling
Blick zurück in die Zukunft: Zur Geschichte einer Dramaturgie des medialen Raumes.
Back to the future: a history of the dramaturgy of the media space
In: Kilger, Gerhard ed. Szenografie in Ausstellungen und Museen
Scenography in Museums and Exhibitions
Ed. Klartext, Essen 2004
H. Hagebölling
Interaktive Dramaturgien – Mediale Strategien in der Ausstellungs- und Museumsgestaltung
Interactive Dramaturgies – Media Strategies in Exhibitions and Museums
In: Kilger, Gerhard ed. Szenografie in Ausstellungen und Museen
Scenography in Museums and Exhibitions
Ed. Klartext, Essen 2004
H. Hagebölling
Interaktive Dramaturgien. Veränderte Kommunikations- und Erzählformen.
Interactive Dramaturgies. Changing Modes of Communication and Storytelling
In: Spierling, Ulrike ed. Digital Storytelling
Frauenhofer Institut and Society
Frauenhofer IRBVerlag, Darmstadt, 2000
H. Hagebölling
Media Design.
In: Schanze, Herbert
Metzler Lexikon Medientheorie /Medienwissenschaft
Lexikon Mediatheory / Media-Sciences
Stuttgart/Weimar 2002
M. Eisenbeis, A. Hünnekens, H. Hagebölling
Virtuelle Museen / Virtual Museums
Concept, research, documentation
Cologne 1997-99
H. Hagebölling
Zur medialen Vermittlung von Kunst und Kultur
Presentation and Communication of Art and Culture in AV-Media
Visodata: AV-Medien im Kontext von
Kunst und Kultur, München 1989
H. Hagebölling, M. Eisenbeis,
Medienkultur / Cultural Indicators
Form- und Inhaltsanalyse von Sendungsgattungen
Mediaculture / Cutural Indicators: Form and Content in TV-Genre; Research project
Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Published: Offenbach/Frankfurt 1983