Guten Abend Beijing – Guten Tag Köln
liángxiāo Beijing – nǐmenhǎo Kölndance | media scenography | soundart | interactive installation
Two dancers, two stages, two media scenographies, one interactive dialogue –in between a distance of 1900 miles. Duosi Zhu – ballet dancer oft the Semper Opera Dresden and guest dancer in Cologne – and Michael Maurissens – choreographer and dancer of the Michael Douglas Company and guest in Beijing – are drawing poetic cyphers with their gestures into the space – synchronously onto the stage in Cologne and onto the stage in Beijing.
A pas de deux in virtual space that bridges two continents with three dimensional animated paintings, visual rhythms and a poetic communication of closeness and at the same time of distance. A direct exchange between dance, soundart and interactive settings.
A new form of choreography. The digital code transports the message.
Using 3D-engines like the x-Box, a motion-capture-system and the internet a German-Chinese team of artists, musicians and informaticians are connecting two worlds.
The piece was first performed synchronous in Cologne and Beijing September 14th and 15th 2012 (partner: Renmin University of China RUC Beijing).
In addition the public of both cities were performing together.
Team Cologne
visual art: Matthias Gerding, Alexander Rechberg (Bildtonfabrik+KHM)
dance+choreography: Duosi Zhu, Semper Opera; Michael Maurissens MDC/KHM
sound art: Sven Hahne/nanaoschlaf and Prof. Zhao Fang Beijing
stage design: Sina Seifee (KHM)
3D-animation /x-Box programming / motion capture: Thomas Kombüchen (undev Berlin),
internet programming: David Murmann (Bildtonfabrik+KHM),
video-documentation and helping hand: Wonbaek Shin, Chih Ming Fan (KHM)
art direction+project coordination: Heide Hagebolling and Luis Negrón van Grieken (KHM).
interactive sound performance for public animation:
Team Beijing
artists: Tianran Duan, Li Zhe (E_MEDIA Beijing), Ge Yong, Gan Hua
chinese sound art: Zhan Fang
project supervisor: Tong Yan
Special program: Long Way Home
an audio-visual installation by Katharina Klemm and Gerald Schauder
Thanks to:
Maren Mildner, Lutz Mennicken, Bernd Voss, Bob o’Kane
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln / Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Bildtonfabrik Cologne + undev Berlin
Kulturdezernat und Auslandsdezernat der Stadt Köln
Kunststiftung Nordrhein Westfalen
Bühnen der Stadt Köln
Renmin University of China RUC Beijing for its kind hospitality and partnership